Public Health
Tools and resources to address public health preparedness and response. This is a collaborative effort across various departments at Bryn Mawr College and outside agencies and partnerships.

To assist departments/offices with the purchase of masks below are links to various models and styles that are currently available online.
How to tell if your mask is authentic?
- KF94's
- All manufactured in Korea
- Individually packaged
- Secured with ear loops
- KN95s
- Certified and stamped on each mask is: "KN95" and "GB 2626-2019"
- Secured with ear loops
KF94's and KN95's, should not indicated that they are NIOSH approved. For further information, visit the CDC for a list of counterfeit masks.

Contact Us
Environmental Health and Safety
- For Covid-related questions, please contact Kari Fazio at 610-526-5641 or
- For other Environmental Health and Safety matters, please contact Julia McLaughlin at 610-526-5166 or
- If the matter can be addressed by Facilities, you can reach them at 610-526-7930 or
- For workplace injuries, please contact Human Resources at 610-526-5261.